
So I was sitting in front of my laptop last night, working on a new site I had dreamed up, and suddenly realized I’d spent the better part of the last week working on it with no real progress, and without getting even so much as five pages of writing done.

That’s when I realized, and it really and truly hit hard, that I’d fallen trap to a major distraction. I’d almost forgotten about writing entirely, despite my earnest and heartfelt desire to finish my first book and get it out to agents and publishers as soon as it is ready.

Fortunately, I’m back on track. But that week is gone and I’ll never get it back. Being a positive sort of person, I like to think I’ve learned something from this experience, and you can be sure I won’t easily fall victim to the same mistake again.

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3 Responses to Distractions

  1. I was researching on people’s background of the people whom I met at the shooting sight of unbelievable, and I found this site.It was nice meeting you.

    “as soon as it is ready” is too weak to make something happen in your life. It sounds like ” I wish I could”.

    It doesn’t matter if you can get it done or not, but you should say deadline outloud. Otherwise, while you are wishing, your life will be used up without anything done.

    Also the amount you write sounded not enough all to me.

    I will finish rewriting my screenplay, which is the third drtaft now. I will finish writing the first draft of new screenplay and anothter novel or screenplay by the end of this year. This is the goals for the rest of this year of my self.

    Don’t be indulgent in just writing something.

    Try to approach like a pro.

    That’s my avice.

    Good luck.

    Stay in touch.


  2. admin says:

    Thanks for your input, Atsushi.

  3. Ara says:

    Hey Jonathan,

    That guy is hard core!

    Anyway, I was just checking through my blog comments and I saw that you turned 30 back in October. Happy birthday! I had a feeling you might have been the same age as the kids I used to babysit. ; )

    How’s the writing going? Post something new on your blog and let us all know.

    Take care!


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