Light at the end of the tunnel…?

Actually, no. More like almost out of the tunnel entirely. I’m now finishing up the second pre-final draft. Once that’s done I’ll go back over and check spelling, grammar, consistency, etc. and if it’s all up to snuff…

I’m done!

But I’m getting ahead of myself, as I’m not quite done yet. Still got to format the manuscript, put the finishing touches on my query letter and synopsis, but as I’ve been working on them little by little throughout this whole process, I don’t think it will take long for me to have everything ready to go. I definitely see myself sending this off to publishers and agents by the end of this month. No doubt.


By the way, since I will (at some point) be a published author, I’ve set up an “Official” website. I haven’t decided yet what moniker I will use as an author, so for the moment I’ve got three different homepage addresses, all pointing to the same place:

Someone’s already registered (Doh!) and though I’ve had it backordered for quite some time now, I haven’t been able to snap it up yet.

I’ll keep you all posted. As soon as my manuscript gets bought by a publisher I’ll let you know!

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‘Tis an Author’s Life for me

Like most people, at some point or other anyway, I used to want to be rich and famous. Who hasn’t? Especially if you’ve been dirt poor in the past (I definitely qualify). Fortunately, I eventually realized that I was to blame for my financial misfortunes (in 99% of the cases, regardless of the circumstances, you are responsible for what happens to you – if you’re truly honest with yourself, you’ll realize this), and thereafter did my best to dig out of the hole I’d dug for myself. I’m all dug out now, and on this wondrous, lengthy and convoluted pathway to publication and success as an author, I’ve asked myself, Why am I doing this? Do I want to be rich? Do I want to be famous?

The answer is no. I would like to be financially secure enough that money doesn’t become a deciding factor in anything I do (for most people, that would qualify as being ‘rich’); however, I don’t want the money for the money. I don’t want the money so that I don’t have to work. Ideally, I want to find what it is that I love to do, can do every day, and that will provide me with a livable income.

I don’t want to be famous. To be perfectly honest, I despise the media (media being defined as newspaper, magazine, television, radio, etc. where the people reporting ‘the story’ blow up, exaggerate, misquote, harass and otherwise completely disrespect the intelligence and privacy of others – all for the sake of ‘the story’) and have no desire to have a screaming fan club. I would like to be pleasantly inconspicious but responsible for something that other people find of value.

So what are my strengths? I’m good at alot of things, but according to the above criteria there’s only one thing that takes advantage of a strength of mine with the potential to become financially secure and create something of value to others.

Becoming an author.

I wish I could say that’s how I came to be writing, or that I’ve always wanted to write since I was little, but that simply wouldn’t be true. I remember the very first time I tried to write a book. I was in middle school, living in rural Garner, NC and started scribbling on lined paper out on the back deck. I quickly realized that there was a lot more to writing a book than just writing, but the next time I would pick up a pen to try again would be more than ten years later. The catalyst for doing so? Short answer: I realized my dream of becoming a world class professional table tennis player was not realistic. I looked at the phenomenal success of J. K. Rowling and said to myself, “I want to have an impact like that, to be responsible for creating a legacy that will endure beyond myself.”

There it is. That’s why I started writing again. The funny thing is that I used to not like writing. Or, as I realized later, not like to do the writing I was forced to by my middle school and high school teachers (AP English doesn’t encourage creative writing). It was during my tenure as a exchange student at Waseda University in Japan that I came to the realization I actually was good at writing.

The journey from that day in early 2004 – in the common room of Waseda Hoshien (the dorm I was staying at) where I first started seriously writing – to this one, has been a long one filled with a tremendous number of mistakes and learning experiences. If you happened to read the rubbish I first wrote, and what I write now, you would probably:

  • Not realize it’s the same person.
  • Think, “This person has no chance of becoming an author.”
  • But if there is one thing I consider a stregth of mine, it’s enduring the hardships that invariably come before reaching a goal. Not to say that I’ve reached my goal. I won’t have until my book is published, but my book (the first in a five part series) is almost done and I have confidence that my writing is of publishing quality material.

    Of course, finding a publisher is perhaps the most difficult part of actually getting published. I fully understand that, and will do whatever is necessary to reach my goal. If I must, I will send it to every publishing company and literary agent in the English speaking countries of the world. If necessary, I will go back to square one and objectively evaluate my writing to make sure it’s up to snuff – if it’s not, I’ll make sure it is. This road to publication could potentially be long. Very long. One day, however, I will make it.

    See you on the bookshelf.

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    Sweet, Simple Freedoms

    We’re coming up on the end of April and I am savoring the amazing feeling of having no obligations apart from those I choose. What an amazing feeling! No stress, no “Geez, I really don’t want to do this but I have to.” My time is spent doing exactly what I want to do, and nothing more (apart from housework).

    My book is progressing very well, albeit slower than I was anticipating. This is probably due to my leisurely writing pace, as I typically only sit down and write for about three hours a day or so. According to J. K. Rowling, that’s a bad day for her….So I’ve decided to ramp things up a bit. I’m spending more time writing to reach my goal of having this ready for submission by the end of April. Not sure if I’m going to make that goal without writing ten hours a day or so, but we’ll see.

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    Yes, the time has come. My research at the University of Tokyo will officially end on March 31st, 2007. Technically, that means I have another thirteen days until my tenure as a research student is finished, but in actuality, I’m already done:

  • I’ve written my thesis (in both English and Japanese) and my advising professor even said it was rather interesting! Blood, sweat and hundreds, if not thousands, of hours studying was poured into my thesis. I’ve done my part and earned my hefty scholarship, thank you very much!
  • I’ve turned in all my paperwork. The Japanese are great fans of useless paperwork – one such form, when translated into English, was entitled “Intent to Drop Out of University”. Now, apart from the fact that research students are not considered to be the same as registered students (we’re not allowed to register for classes, don’t get credit for attending classes or doing coursework, and are not allowed to receive the HUGE 50% student discount on transportation), as a Japanese Government Scholar I was told that if I remain a research student (instead of pursuing a Master’s Degree) my visa is limited to two years. The University knows this. The Japanese Government knows this – they’re the ones who pounded it into me when I first arrived. I’m not a degree seeking student, and therefore only LOOSELY associated with the school. My research period, as defined by the Japanese Government, is over. Finished. Complete. How, IN ZEUS’ FREAKING NAME, can I drop out of the University if that’s the case? Huh? HUH??? …I don’t know…And no, it doesn’t make sense to me either.
  • I’ve attended the “Going Away Party”. That was rather fun, actually. More than I thought it would be, thought I didn’t really like the fact that I paid $40 for a few scraps of sashimi, a mouthful of salad and a couple of beers. WTF???
  • I’m free! Yes, finally free of all the weighty obligations and expectations that come with being a Government Sponsored Scholar. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve really enjoyed being here in Japan, have learned a great deal and am tremendously thankful for the Scholarship I received. But there were some things that were just so incredibly annoying that I am very glad to be free of it all.

    Now, I can focus exclusively on my book, which is going very, very well. I finished the rough draft and am doing the necessary editing/rewriting that accompanies this stage of development. The story is, as J. K. Rowling would say, “growing in all sorts of strange and wonderful directions”. I am REALLY excited about polishing it off and sending it to publishers and literary agents in the States, which should be sometime in the next month. Hopefully, they will consider it worthy of publication. Wish me luck!

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    Research on the rocks

    Well, not literally of course. My research is progressing as it should, but the end is near; not just of the research itself but of my entire experience as a University of Tokyo research student. It’s been a fun and interesting look into what graduate school is like here in Japan, but I’ve discovered that it really doesn’t suit me all that well. Too many requirements and restrictions and not enough of a feeling that anything I’m doing is making a positive impact on the world.

    But come the end of March my research period ends, as does my scholarship (ouch), and I will officially strike out into the ‘real’ world to pursue my dream of becoming a published and successful author. The first book is very near completion, and I hope to have in ready for submission before the end of March. Certainly plausible, but at the moment my research is taking up a significant portion of my time. Oh well, only for a few more weeks!

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    So, it’s been in the news now for a few hours and Britney Spears is divorcing Kevin Federline (sp?). If you can’t tell, I don’t normally bother to keep up with celebrity drama. I personally find it both pointless and a complete waste of time, and whenever I hear people talking about it, I always ask myself “Who cares?”.

    In this case, even I care – and for good reason. News has it that Mr. Federline filed court papers disputing Ms. Spears claim for sole custody (I can understand that, he is the father after all,

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    Holy Jimmeny!

    So, yes, it’s been that long since my last post. Wow! How time does fly when you’re having fun. This summer has been a blast (and it’s not over yet!) and I’ve gotten LOADS done on my book. For those of you keeping track, I’m upwards of 200 pages now and I think the final version of the rough draft will be somewhere around 230-250. Granted, after that I will be editing it (take out a bit here, add a bit there, take out this chapter, geez, gotta write another chapter), so I don’t know how long the end product will be yet. The nice thing is that the plot is getting more detailed and solidified now, the universe that is Wysearth is really fleshing out.

    I would love for my books to become as popular as the Harry Potter series, but I don’t want to be unrealistic. That, coupled with my mentality to aim high (if you go for the top of the lamppost, you might not get off the ground, but go for the moon and at least you’ll make it to the top of the lamppost), means that my goal is for my series to be MORE popular than the Harry Potter series. In fact, I would be thrilled if my series (planned to be a seven book series, and no, not because the Harry Potter series is) actually sells more copies than the bible. *Horror* Blasphemy, I know, but the bible is the best selling book of all time and I am aiming to be number one.

    I feel very fortunate that I have discovered My Dream so early in life. My Dream is to create something of value, a legacy for which I will be remembered and which will enrich other people’s lives. For me, the way to do that is to write. My single, most favorite thing to do when I was young was to read. Now I want to share that joy with others by writing my own story.

    And I won’t stop until I’ve done just that.

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    Rolling right along…

    As a budding author I can’t always pretend to relate when veterans such as J. K. Rowling say things like “hit their stride”, but recently my manuscript has been making rather speedy progress. So much so that I’m feeling like the rough draft will be done by the end of this year. That’s a real shocker, especially since earlier this year I was concerned if I’d have it done by my initial goal of March 2007.

    Granted I may run into the dreaded writer’s block, but so far have been free of any such obstacles. It also helps that I’m in the middle of my summer break and have a lot more time to spend writing than I normally do. Another encouraging thing is that the more I write the better I get (at least as far as I can tell, we’ll find out next year if any editors agree with me).

    That’s all for now.

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    Unix, Linux and the Macintosh

    So, yeah, recently I switched platforms as a longtime Windows PC back to a Macintosh. Actually, my first computer was a Macintosh – back when I first entered college around 1996-97. Back then, Macs were still using PowerPC processors and OS 8 had just come out (geez, how old am I?). I really liked the Mac interface; it was unique and subtly different from Windows (which, and most people don’t realize this, Bill Gates copied when he made Windows). But as time went on I gradually found myself in the Windows camp as I pursued a Computer Science major at UNCW.

    The next thing I know, almost ten years have passed, and though I’d dabbled with using Macs I’d never bought one again. So last year my famous musician brother, Nathan Head, asks me which platform he should use, Windows or Macintosh. Macs have long been known to be the better machine for graphic, design and music professionals, so I pushed him to get a Mac. As expected, he loves Macintosh, and when Apple annouched their plans to switch to Intel chips, it got me thinking.

    But, let me back up a bit. Even though I had been using Windows, I wasn’t really satisfied with it. Instability, viruses, a clumsy and clunky interface, the blue screen of death, sudden freezing and on and on ad naseum, all really made me a very reluctant user of Winblows…err Windows. So every once in a while I would dabble with Linux. I liked the stability, lack of viruses, no blue screens of death, so sudden freezing, etc. but a lack of comparible applications kept me using Windows. Nowadays, Linux (my personal favorite is Ubuntu Linux) has programs like (which is free and can do everything Microsoft Office can), Firefox (so much of a better browser than Internet Explorer), Gimp (who needs Photoshop?) and many other applications that really remove all excuse to stick with Winblows…dang, there I go again.

    This is why Ubuntu Linux is now my main desktop operating system at home.

    But back to Macintosh. Talk about computer sex appeal. Talk about ease of use. Talk about all the things you love to use computers for, without all the headache that Winblows *oops* gives you. Now I use a MacBook and am loving every minute of it. And just in case you didn’t know, Mac OS X is based on an open source Unix kernel (called Darwin) which means it has all the built in reliability, stability and security that Unix systems have. For anyone tired of Windows *whew, had to really work to get it right that time* I suggest you take a look at a Mac or check out Ubuntu. You’ll fall in love with your computer again.

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    Halfway there! (almost)

    So, yeah, I’m halfway done.

    Or, at least I think so. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve never written a book before, but according to my current storyline for this first novel, I’m about at the halfway mark. It’s an encouraging milestone, much like when I broke the 100 page barrier. I realized at that point that this is the real deal. Who else would purposely write 100 pages of English? Try getting your average high school student to do that. Heck, they cringe at the thought five pages (at least I did, anyway).

    At least I can see where this is going now. Before, it was just some huge ‘thing’ to work on, and I couldn’t really see a light at the end of the tunnel. Definitely thinking I’ll finish the rough draft early next year- Geez, I’m getting all excited just thinking about it!


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